We believe that the way to achieve our vision is through the implementation and maintenance of management systems designed to continuously improve performance.
Therefore, as Pilenpak and Inka;
To meet the expectations of our stakeholders,
To effectively address all kinds of complaints of our stakeholders by ensuring the continuity of feedback,
To carry out all our activities in accordance with the laws and all kinds of legislation,
To increase the competencies of our employees,
Work for the prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases,
Protecting the environment, reducing environmental impacts and working to prevent pollution,
To produce in accordance with food and health,
Ensure and protect the accuracy of our information assets,
To ensure the confidentiality of information belonging to our stakeholders when necessary,
Continuous improvement by increasing the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System,
In line with the green consensus, to increase the use of natural energy sources that do not cause carbon emissions and to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly production